Monday, June 11, 2012

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Connie was fascinated with stories of  her, but after she has always been a lot of not-ashamed. No need to listen to them with such a greedy, russian women a pleasure! Of course, you can listen to stories about the private lives of other people, but with respect to the fight and defeat the human soul, and with compassion. Even satire is a kind of sympathy. The direction of our compassion and empathy - determines our lives. And therein lies the great importance of literature. It can enlighten us and guide us into new areas of consciousness and compassion, and may also lead him to reject any dead bodies. Therefore, this literature can reveal to us the most secret recesses of life, for these very passionate secret recesses of life - particularly in need of a refreshing and cleansing sympathetic stream of our consciousness. But literature, like gossip, can also initiate russian women sympathy and censure, - mechanical and death to every thought. Literature sometimes puts the dirtiest sense, under the guise of a conditional purity. Then the literature is poisonous and harmful as gossip, especially because she is always on the side of "angels." Mpc. Bolton in their gossip, too, was always on the side of the "angels." - "He was such a nasty person, but she was such a good woman!" While Connie clearly seen even from the most gossip MRS. Bolton, that the woman was just a sentimental liar, and a man - an honest anger. But angry honesty made him a "nasty man", and sweet, made from the falsity of her "good woman" in terms of pest and conditional sympathy MRS. Bolton. Therefore, the gossip was humiliating. And for this same reason, most modern, enjoying the success of literature, too humiliating. The public responds now only to the fact that panders for its viciousness. Whatever it was Tavershal took new shape under the influence of short stories MRS. Bolton. His life is terrible and the fluid was detected, but not flat-gray, as it seemed from the outside. Clifford knew the mind of most people in Tavershale, Connie knew one or two. But in the stories of the IFA. Bolton Tavershal was similar to the African jungle more than the English countryside. "You probably heard that Miss russian women got married last week. Just think - Miss russian women, the daughter of an old Alop-sa, you know, they built a house on russian women. Old man died of fall-shloy from injury - he was eighty- three years - nimble as a young boy. And suddenly fell off the sled last winter and broke his hip - it did him, poor man - such an insult! Well, he left all his money Tattoo - did not give his sons a penny. A Tattoo, I know, was fifty-three years last fall. And you know, they were so pious!

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